Candidate Information Modal
The Candidate Information Modal is a pop-up window that displays more information about a particular candidate than what is available in the Candidate Results Table.
To access the Candidate Information Modal click the eye icon next to the required candidate.
A Candidate Information Modal may contain the following sections:
- Candidate Details
- Resend Invitation or Resend Reminder buttons
- Candidate Digital Skills Summary
- Australian Digital Capability Framework (ADCF) Profile
- Compare to Course/Job Profile
- Skills Comparison Graph
- Gap Analysis
- Training Recommendations (Digital Robot for Study only)
- Action Plan (Digital Robot for Work only)
- Export Answer Report
- Export Candidate Summary PDF
- Save and Export Comparison Report
Candidate Details
This table contains all of the candidate information that is available for this particular candidate. This includes the mandatory fields (Candidate ID, Name, and Email), and can also include additional information if you have set this up in your candidate form in the settings section.
The Candidate Details section also contains information about who the candidate was Invited By and the date the candidate was Invited At (if the candidate accessed the quiz via a direct link (instead of being invited) these rows will contain "N/A" in the information field). If the questionnaire has been commenced but not yet finished this section may contain a Questionnaire Link that will go directly to where the candidate left off, and the Questionnaire Progress which tells you what percentage of the way through the questionnaire they are. It also displays the questionnaire Start Time, Finish Time and total Time Taken.
You can edit a candidate's information by clicking the Edit button or download a copy of their Answer Report by clicking the Export Answer Report button (visit the Export Answer Report article for more information).
Resend Invitation/Resend Reminder
If the candidate's Assessment Status is In Progress or Resend Invitation, you will be given the option to either Resend Invitation or Resend Reminder.
- Resend Invitation - This will email the original invitation that was sent when the candidate was first invited to complete the questionnaire.
- Resend Reminder - This will send the candidate a reminder email to complete the questionnaire.
Note: the content of both of these emails can be customised in the Settings. More information on this can be found here: System Settings
Candidate Digital Skills Summary
The Candidate Digital Skills Summary provides an indication of a candidate's digital capabilities in relation to the ADCF based on the answers given in the Digital Profiler Questionnaire. The Candidate Digital Skills Summary states whether the candidate displays experience and knowledge of features, functions and systems at the following levels:
- No Experience
- Basic Level - the person knows that the technology exists and its purpose, but may not know how to utilise it.
- Competent Level - the person understands how to perform simple functions with the technology. They are familiar with the technology through regular and prolonged use.
- Proficient Level - the person understands how to perform complex functions with the technology. They have a deeper understanding of the limitations of the technology and how to troubleshoot some issues.
- Expert Level - the person understands and applies this technology at a specialised level and is able to use that expertise to achieve significant outcomes.
Australian Digital Capability Framework (ADCF) Profile
Once the candidate completes their questionnaire this section will become available and will display a graph that represents the current digital capability of the candidate.
Using a scale of 1-8 the graph shows the candidate's score for each of the 21 digital skills, which are split across the 5 focus areas of the ADCF.
Tip: If you hover over the graph with your mouse a tooltip will appear to show you which skill each score relates to.
Refer to our summary article on the ADCF here: Australian Digital Capability Framework (ADCF) Explained
You can download a copy of the ADCF here:
Compare to Course/Job Profile
Once a candidate completes their questionnaire you can compare it to a Course or Job Profile to determine the suitability.
You can read more about setting up Course Profiles and Job Profiles here:
You can read more about comparing a candidate profile with a course or job profile here:
Skills Comparison Graph
The Skills Comparison Graph gives a bar graph view of the Skills Summary, but includes a blue (for courses) or red (for jobs) line that represents the minimum required levels to effectively complete the digital duties associated with this course or job. This allows you to easily identify any skills gaps that the candidate may have.
Gap Analysis
Similar to the Skills Comparison Graph, the Gap Analysis table shows the gaps identified in comparison of the candidate's digital profile with the Course/Job Profile. This also highlights any actions required.
Training Recommendations
Note: this is only available in Digital Robot for Study
To ensure the candidate is able to effectively participate and achieve the successful completion of the course, Training Recommendations may be available and should be implemented by their trainer to assist in further developing the digital capability of the candidate.
Action Plan
Note: this is only available in Digital Robot for Work
The action plan identifies the sub-criteria that need to be developed to bring the candidate from their current level up to the target level of the job.
Export Reports
There are three different reports that you can download from within the Candidate Information Modal by clicking on the Export buttons. Read more about each of the reports here: