Create and Edit Job Profiles
Note: this is only available in Digital Robot for Work systems.
For information on what a Job Profile is, please refer to the following article: Job Profiles
Create a Job Profile
- Select Jobs from Main Menu. This will open the Jobs Profiles page.
- Click + Add Job button. A modal window will open. This is where the Job Profile will be created.
- Complete the Job Information page. These are all fields to type in.
- Job Title (compulsory field)
- Job Description
- Category
- Location
- Search Tags - Type in the tag and press enter after each to add them.
Administration users can add custom fields to the Job Profile page via system settings.
- Once you have filled in the fields you want to make use of, click the Continue button.
- Complete the Digital Skills page. Using the checkboxes, select the digital skills relevant to the job. These may be tasks/systems used often, or only occasionally.
- Once all relevant skills have been selected, click the Continue button.
- Complete the Skill Level matrix page. Select the capability level and frequency for each of the skills nominated previously. By default the Basic Level, and Never frequency is selected.
The Frequency refers to how often a candidate would utilise the skills at the competency level. The Frequency options are:
- Never
- Less than once per month
- Once per month
- Once per week
- Most days
- Multiple times a day
As a general guide the Competency Levels mean:
- Basic - the person knows that the technology exists and its purpose, but may not know how to utilise it.
- Competent - the person understands how to perform simple functions with the technology. They are familiar with the technology through regular and prolonged use.
- Proficient - the person understands how to perform complex functions with the technology. They have a deeper understanding of the limitations of the technology and how to troubleshoot some issues.
- Expert - the person understands and applies this technology at a specialised level and is able to use that expertise to achieve significant outcomes.
Each competency level has some examples specific to each Digital Skill to help you decide what is appropriate for your job role.
Make sure you scroll down the page to complete the matrix for all skills.
- Once all levels have been selected, click the Continue button.
- Review the Job Profile.
- If changes need to be made, use the Back button.
- If details are correct, click the Submit button.
- The new profile will now appear list of Job Profiles.
Job Profile Options
There are four icons on the right-hand side of each created job profile. These icons relate to four options for the created profile.
- View Job Profile - Eye Icon
- Edit Job Profile - Pen Icon
- Duplicate Job Profile - 2 Pages Icon
- Delete Job Profile - Bin Icon
View Job Profile
Select this option to view the complete Job Profile, where all details are shown. The Job profile can then be downloaded if needed.
Edit Job Profile
If any changes need to be made to an existing job profile, select the Edit option.
The steps for editing a job profile follow the same process as for creating a new profile, just with the existing information already populated.
Duplicate Job Profile
You can duplicate (make a copy of) an existing profile.
Select the Duplicate Job option and then click the Confirm button.
If this is not the function you want, click the Cancel button.
Once the duplicate profile has been created it will appear the in Job Profiles list. The duplicate job profile will have the word 'COPY' added at the end of the Job Name.
You can then view, edit, duplicate or delete the new profile as needed.
Delete Job Profiles
Deleting a Job Profile removes the profile from the system.
You can delete a job profile by selecting the red bin icon.
The system will ask you to confirm the deletion.
Please note: any reports previously created with the deleted profile will be retained against the relevant candidate record.
Any deleted profiles cannot be recovered.