Invitation Form

Note: This section of Digital Robot System is only available to Administrators.

The Invitation Form is used to gather the information about your candidates that you want attached to their results.

As a default, the Invitation Forms contain the following fields:

  • Candidate ID (this can be their student number, their USI, or another form of ID)
  • First Name
  • Last Name

If you'd like to add fields to this form, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Click on Settings in the Main Menu, and then on Invitation Form.

  1. Select the questionnaire that you would like to edit.
    1. Digital Robot for Study has two options: Digital Profiler or Course Ready.
    2. Digital Robot for Work has just one option: Digital Profiler.

  1. Click Add Field.

  1. Choose the Field Type from the drop-down menu and then type in a name for the field. You can make this field Mandatory by toggling "Mandatory Field" on (green).

Field Types:

  • Text Field: this will enter a free-text field where your candidate can type in the answer to that question.
  • Checkbox: this will insert a checkbox for your candidate to check or uncheck. Note: if you make this field mandatory, the candidate must check the box before they can proceed to their questionnaire.
  • Dropdown Menu: this will allow you to provide your candidates with a list of options to select from. If you select this option, you'll be required to also list the options in a new field. Each new option will need to be in a separate line, as shown below:

  1. Click Add To Form to add the new field to the form.

  1. Click Save to save your changes.

Please Note: Any extra fields you add to your invitation form will display as columns in the Candidate Results Table. These can be left displayed or hidden from there.

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