Job Profile Custom Form

Note: this is only available in Digital Robot for Work systems.

You can edit the form that is used when creating Job Profiles. As a default, this form includes:

  • Job Title
  • Description
  • Category
  • Location
  • Search Tags

If you'd like to add additional fields to this form click on Add Field.

In the "Field Type" section you can select the following options from a drop-down menu:

  • Text Field
  • Checkbox
  • Dropdown Menu

Text Field

This will add a free-text field to your form where you will be able to type in any text that you want.

Give this option a title by typing it into the "Field Name" field. To make it a mandatory field you can toggle the "Mandatory Field" toggle to on (green). Click Add To Form to save.


This will add a Checkbox field to your form.

Give this option a title by typing it into the "Field Name" field. To make it a mandatory field you can toggle the "Mandatory Field" toggle to on (green). Click Add To Form to save.

Dropdown Menu

This will add a drop-down menu to your form where you can add multiple options to choose from.

Give this option a title by typing it into the "Field Name" field. To make it a mandatory field you can toggle the "Mandatory Field" toggle to on (green).

Add options by typing into the "Field Options" field, ensuring that each option is on a separate line. Click Add To Form to save.

Save Form

Click Save to save all the changes you have made to the Job Profile form.

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