Dashboard Overview

The Digital Robot System Dashboard is the screen your system will open to when logging in. The Dashboard has 3 main aspects:

  1. Header Bar 
  2. Main Menu
  3. Candidate Results Table

Note: Images shown are taken from the Digital Robot for Study System Dashboard. Some items/section names will vary in the Digital Robot for Work System.

Header Bar

The Digital Robot System header bar contains, in order from left to right of screen:

  • Digital Robot System Logo
  • Fullscreen button
  • Need Help? button
  • User Info drop-down menu with shortcuts to Account Settings and Logout

These features are available to all System Users and remain consistent throughout the entire Digital Robot System.

Main Menu

The Navigation Menu contains links to the sections within the Digital Robot System. These options change depending on your System User Role.

More information on the System User Roles can be found here: System User Roles

Candidate Results Table

The Candidate Results Table contains all of the information for candidates who have been entered into the Digital Robot System.

Please refer to the following article for more information: Candidate Results Table

Help/Chat Beacon

Available on every screen, the Help beacon links directly to our database of help and instruction articles, as well as a live chat option (during live support hours).

Click the button to open the beacon.

Start typing on the Answers option to find the information you need in our help article database.

Start a chat to ask a question directly or send your question in an email via the Ask option.

Click the X to close the beacon.

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