What does the system do?
Digital Robot by TLRG is a suite of online tools enabling organisations to understand the digital capability of current or potential learners or employees.
The platform is mapped to the new Australian Digital Capability Framework and will assess the digital capability and digital literacy of learners and staff against all 21 digital skills across all 8 levels.
Digital Robot is a platform that provides access to a digital capability assessment in the form of an online Digital Profiler Questionnaire that follows the Australian Digital Capability Framework (ADCF) to identify a candidate’s current digital capabilities.
Think of the questionnaire as an initial pre-screening section (used to build up a picture of the candidate’s digital capability based on their experiences), followed by 21 short knowledge questionnaires.
The pre-screening section helps to work out what difficulty level the candidate should start at for each of the 21 sub-criteria that make up the ADCF focus areas. Then it takes the results of their answers in each section and decides if it needs more information and directs the candidate to either more difficult, or easier questions depending on how they’ve gone so far. This dynamic testing allows the system to narrow down to the most accurate capability level of the candidate without having to test every single level of the framework.
The entire questionnaire should take between 30-40 minutes to complete and can be accessed on a computer, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection.
The results from these completed questionnaires can be compared to profiles for courses or jobs to identify potential gaps or issues relating to digital capability.
The Digital Robot system provides users with the tools to consistently identify the digital capability requirements associated with effective participation in specific courses or jobs.
The Course Ready - Digital Readiness for Learning Questionnaire (available in Digital Robot for Study systems) will give your organisation an understanding of how your learners will be able to engage with digital technologies used during the training process.