
Note: This section of Digital Robot System is only available to Administrators.

The system can be set to automatically send notifications when questionnaires are completed, when candidates are deleted from the system, or to remind candidate's to complete their questionnaire.

To access the Notifications click on Settings in the Main Menu and then click on Notifications.

To make changes to any of these settings click on Edit. Once you've made the changes click on Save.

Daily Summary Questionnaire Completion Email

The Daily Summary Questionnaire Completion Email is a daily email sent to the nominated email address, detailing the candidates who have completed a questionnaire within the previous 24 hour period. This can be toggled on or off.

Note: When toggled on you'll be able to nominate an email address.

Immediate Questionnaire Completion Email

The Immediate Questionnaire Completion Email is an email notification sent to the nominated email address each time a candidate completes a questionnaire. This can be toggled on or off.

Note: When toggled on you'll be able to nominate an email address.

Deleted Candidate Notifications

This is an immediate notification sent to the nominated email address to advise that a candidate has been deleted from the system. This can be toggled on or off. (Note: Administrators will have 30 days to restore a deleted entry. After this time it will be permanently deleted and unable to be restored).

Note: When toggled on you'll be able to nominate an email address.

Incomplete Questionnaire Reminders

The Incomplete Questionnaire Reminders can be sent to candidates who have been sent an invitation but haven't yet completed their questionnaire. This can be toggled on and off, and you can also customise how often you'd like them to be sent and how many reminders you'd like the system to send. You can also set the system to automatically archive the candidate after the final reminder has been sent, and to notify you if a questionnaire remains incomplete after all reminders have been sent.

Note: When toggled on you'll be able to nominate an email address.

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