Organisational Settings

Note: This section of Digital Robot System is only available to Administrators.

The Organisational Settings is made up of four parts:

  • Organisation Profile
  • Billing Information
  • Correspondence Information
  • Logo

Organisation Profile

This information is used for Digital Robot System notifications. It includes:

  • Company Name
  • Organisation Website
  • Organisation Phone
  • Admin Contact Name
  • Admin Contact Email

To update any of this information click the Edit button. Once the new information is entered you can either click Cancel to return to the previous information, or Save to save the new information.

Billing Information

This information is used for billing purposes, for example your annual renewal invoices or if you want to upgrade your subscription. This information includes:

  • Legal Business Name
  • Organisation Address
  • Accounts Contact Name
  • Accounts Contact Email

This information will not be shared with candidates, or with any users other than those with Administrator access who can access the settings page.

To update any of this information click the Edit button. Once the new information is entered you can either click Cancel to return to the previous information, or Save to save the new information.

Correspondence Information

This information is displayed to candidates when they are invited to complete a questionnaire. They are directed to use this contact information should they have any difficulties during the questionnaire. This information includes:

  • System Contact Name
  • System Contact Phone
  • System Contact Email

To update any of this information click the Edit button. Once the new information is entered you can either click Cancel to return to the previous information, or Save to save the new information.


This is the logo that will be displayed on the questionnaire and in invitation/reminder emails to your candidates. If you'd like to change your logo you can click on Upload Logo and select a file from your device. Please note that your logo should be at least 300px wide and no larger than 900px wide & in a PNG or JPG format.

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